Sunday, 12 March 2006

International Dinner Party

Vanessa promised me an Italian feast, last Saturday

we decided to throw a dinner party again at my place.

Waka made some sushi and Hitomi made a french dish

(oops, i forgot how to spell it), and Vanessa made spagetti

with squid. I prepared some dumplings.

This was probably the first time my kitchen was full of people,

luckily everything was under control. Well, wish all the people

who attended the party had a great time.

Here's some photos we took during the party,

come and check them out!


  1. We were looking forward to see these pictures

    but actually we realised that even if Kai is a

    good photographer he can't do miracles....!

    Anyway, we really enjoyed the party and the

    food as well...but the best thing was chatting

    and laughing with beautiful people...thank you


    Cristina and Vanessa (Alias Cicci1 and Cicci2)

  2. Cicci1 and Cicci2,

    haha... glad to see you here,

    someone didnt come to the class today,

    well, neither did i!!!

    ha... i guess Louise struggled pretty hard today,

    glad to know you both enjoy the party,

    Vanessa, i want more pasta!
