Thursday, 27 July 2006

Ciao caio, Cicci

It has been a pleasure, as always.

Cicci Cristina is leaving on Friday. After knowing each other

for 7 months, we are going to say goodbye.

It's really hard to imagine my days in London without these

dearest friends anymore. I mean, we went to school together,

we party together, we laughed together, and we cried together.

We shared lives together. But then, just like that, we are saying

goodbye, without any preparation.

I know, no one can really prepare for saying goodbye. But somehow,

I believe there must be some ways to lessen pains if pains can ever be reduced.

I thought I was going to cry when cicci kissed me goodbye, but it all ended in a

very pleasant way, in fact. Is it because that we know we are going to see each

other very soon, so we do not feel the sadness of parting? Or, is it because that

we haven't realize that we are not going to be as what we used to be anymore?

Maybe both.

So we laughed when we said goodbye. So we laughed so hard and so loud and

almost rocked our hearts.

I am sure when you go back, you will re-discover the beauty and sweetness of your

home and city. I am sure you are heading to a much more exciting life. I am glad that

you change my life in certain aspects, and I appreciate the fact that I am changed.

Maybe that's the reason why I am upset about your leaving. Somehow I feel I dont want

to change that bit of mine. I was hoping it will last longer if I cannot have it for ever.

Maybe that's why I can only recall you in pieces, which happens when I terribely miss


But after all, life goes on, doesn't it? And I am glad that we have our moment.

Ciao ciao, my cicci.

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